Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a General Contractor

10 questions on General Contractor

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Hiring a general contractor in Bronx is a big decision when it comes to your home improvement or construction project. But how do you find the right one?

It’s essential to ask the right questions to make sure you’re making the best choice. Here’s your ultimate guide to the top 10 questions you should ask before hiring a general contractor.

Experience and Credentials

First things first, you want to know about their experience and credentials. How long have they been in the business? Are they licensed and insured? And perhaps most importantly, do they have experience with projects like yours?

References and Portfolio

Next up, references and portfolio. Can they give you the contact information of past clients? And can they show you examples of their completed projects? Seeing their work firsthand and talking to previous clients can give you a good idea of what to expect.

Project Management Approach

It’s crucial to understand how they plan to manage your project. How do they handle timelines and budgets? Will there be a dedicated project manager on-site to oversee everything?

Subcontractors and Suppliers

Ask about subcontractors and suppliers. Who will they be working with? And how do they choose their suppliers for materials? You want to make sure they’re partnering with reliable and reputable companies.


Communication is key during any project. How often will they update you on the progress? And what’s the best way to get in touch with them if you have questions or concerns?

Permits and Regulations

Make sure they’re up to date on all permits and regulations. Will they take care of obtaining the necessary permits for your project? And are they familiar with local building codes and regulations?
Safety Measures and Insurance Coverage
Inquire about the safety measures they have in place to protect workers and property during the project. Additionally, ask about their insurance coverage to ensure they are adequately prepared for any accidents or unforeseen events that may occur on-site.

Payment Schedule and Contracts

Be clear about payment schedules and contracts. How and when do they expect to be paid? And will they provide a detailed contract outlining the scope of work and responsibilities?

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Ask about potential challenges and how they plan to handle them. Construction projects can often throw unexpected curveballs, so it’s essential to know how they’ll respond.

Satisfaction Guarantee and Warranty

Find out if they offer a satisfaction guarantee and what kind of warranty they provide for their workmanship. You want to make sure you’re covered if anything goes wrong after the project is complete.

By asking these 10 questions, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect general contractor for your project.

Take your time, do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you need it. Hiring the right contractor in Bronx can make all the difference in the success of your project.

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